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Heartland Crime Stoppers

Retail Theft @ Mulberry Walmart 10/28

Oct 28, 2022
Media Contact : Brian Bruchey, PIO

The Polk County Sheriff's Office requests help identifying the man in this photo.

According to the detective investigating this case, this man stole two jewelry items from the Mulberry Walmart store on October 28th, and then fled the area on a bicycle.

The suspect has long hair pulled up into a bun. 

If your recognize this suspect, please contact Detective Creekmore at 863-499-2400 ext 126 or (Case #22-45187).

To report a tip anonymously and be eligible for a reward, call Heartland Crime Stoppers at 1-800-226 TIPS (8477)…
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You will always remain anonymous no matter how you submit your tip.  
Tips are forwarded to law enforcement for follow up. If an arrest is made based on your tip, you are eligible for a cash reward of up to $3000.00.